Post to Jollybox
Share what made you smile!
Jollybox 13 Oct
You don’t need to travel far to notice the extraordinary - it’s right on your doorstep.
Jollybox 30 Aug
There is no better feeling than knowing that you made someone smile.
An unexpected gesture - a beautiful handmade card with a gratitude message 🧡
Jollybox 19 Aug
A gift is to be able to accept reality as it exists and to try to understand it and deal with it well with the help of good principles.

“God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.”

Serenity Prayer 🙏
Jollybox 15 Mar
And even being able to observe changes in the sky is a blessing enough.
Jollybox 24 Feb
Extraordinary will take care of itself.